Maybe this has never happened to you, I don't know. But if it has, I'm sure you know where I'm going with this. Our son wakes up in the middle of the night because he wants to get in bed with us. But we don't want him to pee in our bed, so we say, "Go use the bathroom first." He gives us this blank stare, so we say once more (rather crabbily, I might add), "Go use the bathroom!" He says, "OK," turns around, walks to our daughter's baby doll stroller, pulls down his underwear, and begins to pee! "Nooooo!" we yell, now fully awake! "What are you thinking, son!?"
Well, as it turns out, he wasn't "thinking." He was sleeping. And at that time we had no idea that we had encouraged this behavior! Once again, we go back to the professionals (you know, the ones we're paying $2,000). I'm sure you understand how parents of enuretics try all kinds of things. You know, like setting an alarm, waking them up in the middle of the night, and dragging them to the bathroom to urinate in the hopes that they won't pee in the bed, only to find them wet in the morning? Well, those high dollar professionals let us in on a little secret. In addition to the fact that you can never be sure when you should get the child up in order to avoid the wet sheets (which, by the way, we were able to figure out on our own!), taking the child to the bathroom to pee when they are still asleep merely compounds the problem. How's that? Well, to the zombie-like child, peeing in the toilet while asleep is no different from peeing in the bed while asleep. Peeing is peeing, and asleep is, well, asleep! The stroller looks like a toilet, the sink looks like a toilet, a paper bag...anyway, you get the point.
So, back to those pros and their methods. Our son gets to lay down on a nifty little alarm pad, connected to a little black box that has this strange aversion to moisture, which when applied to said nifty little pad causes the aforementioned little black box to let out this piercing, high-pitched tone that doesn't stop until someone gets up and flips it's little toggle switch (or throws it across the room). Be forewarned that the only one allowed to flip the switch that will relieve the terrible ringing in your ears is the aforementioned zombie-like child! And believe it or not, he can sleep like a baby right through the whole ordeal! They instructed us to take a cold, wet rag and run it across the little darling's face, neck, and shoulders. We recommend ice water splashed on the face. It works much faster!
Okay, in all seriousness, the point of all this is to wake the enuretic up completely. In my next post, I will give you all the details of what to do next. I hope you'll be back for more, cause this is where we get to the really helpful stuff. Oh, and just in case you were wondering, our son (who had wet the bed almost every night for his whole 9.5 years) has been dry for more than 2 weeks, and before that was dry for a week and a half. This is quite a leap for us!
Thanks SO much for putting this blog on here. My son is 7.5 and wets the bed every night. He wears pullups and we make sure that we don't get all bent out of shape about it. He is fairly well adjusted to this issue at this point. I am going to totally try the tons of water before bedtime thing! Sounds like something I HAVEN'T tried. He's a horribly deep sleeper too - has hard wood floors in his room and falls out of bed occassionally - NEVER WAKES UP!!!!
He is not, however, in a fog during the day. He is as bright and 'on' as most kids - if not more! :)
Our issue is that his dad wet the bed for a long time as a kid and I did for a short while. So he's gotten hit twice with the bedpee bug!
Thanks again for the blog!
I am looking forward to reading the next installment of your blog! Please keep the information coming. My daughter is only 6.5, but if we can stop the bedwetting now-- that would be such a blessing! Like the previous comment, our daughter was hit with the genetic bedpee bug as well, so we're ready for the battle. Thanks for documenting your progress for us.
My son will be 12 this month.Kimberly Clark even did an online article about him a few years ago. He wets 2-3 times a night. We have tried everything. Thank you for sharing your information.I think I am at the point of trying anything.
HOW I SOLVED MY CHILDS BEDWETTING-This blog it outstanding! I tried waking my child up during the night, restrict fluids, bribery. None of this worked. I finally researched alarms on the internet. Using an alarm took 2 months but it worked wonders! From wet every night to completely dry every night!
My child (AGE 8) wore the alarm every single night for ten weeks. At the end of week 10, he had 14 dry days in a row! He became a much happier child, tons more smiles and much more positive attitude. I often wonder if he would still be wetting the bed if we hadn’t tried the alarm.
I strongly recommend the book, Seven Steps to Nighttime Dryness, by Renee Mercer for all parents dealing with a child’s bedwetting. also the early chapter book for children, Prince Bravery and Grace – Attack of the Wet Knights by Gail Ann Gross. It is the story of a young prince who struggles with "the Wet Knights" and eventually defeats them by using an alarm. The book is full of dragons and knights which children love, and it provides a light hearted look at the challenges of defeating "the Wet Knights." It gives children hope and courage.
You can solve your childs bedwetting, too. Get the books and an alarm, we used a malem alarm-its the best decision i ever made.
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